6 Easy Steps on How to Hang A Ribbon on A Christmas Tree 

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It is time to get your home ready for the holiday season. One of the most important tasks is putting your real Christmas tree up. If you’re like most people, you probably want to add a touch of personality to your tree by adding a ribbon. A ribbon allows you to change your tree’s look each year if you cannot swap other decorations. This blog post will show you how to put a ribbon on a Christmas tree!

How To Put A Ribbon On A Christmas Tree

Adding ribbon to your Christmas tree is a great way to add some extra flair and personality. Here are the steps on how to put ribbon on a Christmas tree:

1. Choose your ribbon type

The most common ribbon is the red and green striped ribbon that is often used to wrap presents. Other popular choices include gold, silver, and white ribbons. You can find them in most stores that sell ribbons or online.

You can use patterned ribbon or fabric to create a unique look. A wired ribbon will hold its shape better than a non-wired ribbon, making it a good choice for bows. The plaid ribbon is a good choice for a country-themed tree.

If using a real tree, make sure the ribbon is flame-resistant to prevent any accidents if the tree catches fire. So, be sure to check the label before purchasing your ribbon. However, any type of ribbon is safe if you have an artificial tree.

2. Cut a length of the ribbon

Once you have selected your ribbon, measure the tree to determine how much you will need. Cut the ribbon into lengths twice the tree’s height, plus an extra foot. For example, if your tree is eight feet tall, the length of the ribbon will be 18 feet long.

3. Fold the ribbon in half and loop it around the top of the tree

Now you are ready to start attaching the ribbon to the tree. Begin at the top of the tree and work your way down; attaching the ribbon in a zigzag pattern is best because it holds its shape and can be bent into loops. To attach the ribbon, simply fold it in half and loop it around the tree. When you reach the end of the ribbon, make a bow with the ribbon and attach it to the tree

4. Make a bow

To make a bow, cut a ribbon about three feet long.Then, Fold the ribbon in half, loop it around your fingers to create a loop, and tie the two ribbon tails together in a knot. Next, Cut off any excess ribbon and fluff the bow to give it a full look. You can now use this bow to decorate the tree.

5. Add decorations

You can also add decorations like pinecones, berries, ornaments, and lights to the ribbon to give your tree a unique look. Lights help to give the tree a warm and inviting feel, while pinecones and berries can add a touch of nature. Be careful when decorating the tree, as too many decorations can make it look cluttered.

Step back and admire your work when you have finished attaching the ribbon. A beautifully decorated Christmas tree is a sight to behold, and with a little effort, you can easily achieve this look in your home.

Tips For Tree Decorating With Ribbon

Now that you know the steps on how to put a ribbon on a Christmas tree, these tips may help you get better results:

1. Choose a wired ribbon for a neater look

Wired ribbons hold their shape better, making them ideal for creating bows and loops. Since the ribbon is less likely to move around, you won’t have to adjust it as often. If you want a neater-looking tree, go for the wired ribbon. So, be sure to check the label before purchasing your ribbon.

2. Use different colors and patterns of ribbon

Multiple colored ribbons give your tree a more festive look. You can use different colors and patterns of ribbon to create a unique and stylish tree. For example, you could use red and green striped ribbons for the primary color, with gold or silver as an accent.

You could also use patterned ribbon or fabric to add a touch of personality to your tree. Patterned ribbons are an excellent way to add color to a tree without using lights. This way, you’ll have a brightly-colored tree without the risk of overloading the electrical system.

3. Cut the ribbon into lengths twice the tree’s height, plus an extra foot

Cutting your ribbon to the correct length is vital for creating a professional-looking tree. The general rule is to cut the ribbon into lengths twice the tree’s height, plus an extra foot. This will enable you to have enough ribbon to create bows and loops without having too much excess.

4. Attach the ribbon in a zigzag pattern

The zigzag pattern is the best way to attach a ribbon to a tree because it holds its shape and can be bent into loops. This way, you can create various shapes and designs with your ribbon. And since the ribbon is less likely to move around, you won’t have to adjust it as often.

The goal is for the ribbon to drape naturally and not appear forced. So, take your time and experiment with different patterns until you find one you like. This way, you can create a beautiful and unique Christmas tree that your neighbors will envy.

5. Tuck the ribbon back toward the trunk of your tree to create a billowy look

The billowy look is achieved by slightly overlapping the ribbon as you work around the tree. Start from the top and work your way to the bottom. Tuck the end of the ribbon under one of the loops near the top of the tree to help hide the end of the ribbon and give your tree a polished look.

6. Create curls to improve the appearance

You may use your hands to create curls in the ribbon so your tree gets a more polished look.

To create curls, take a ribbon section and hold it between your thumb and forefinger. Then, twist your wrist in a circular motion while keeping the ribbon tight. The goal is to create a spiral shape with the ribbon.

Once you have created the spiral, hold it in place for a few seconds to set the shape. You can then release it and let it drape over the tree branches.

7. Avoid wrapping the ribbon too tightly

The ribbon will look too orchestrated if you wrap it too tightly around the tree branches. So, take your time and gently drape the ribbon over the branches.

If you want a more rustic look, you can tie the ribbon in knots around the branches. You can do this by threading the ribbon through the branches and tying it in a knot. Then, trim the excess ribbon to flush with the branch — giving your tree a unique and stylish appearance.

And, when you’re attaching the ribbon to the tree, be sure not to pull too tight. Pulling too tight makes creating loops and bows more difficult; in the process, you may damage the ribbon.

So, take your time and be gentle when attaching the ribbon to the tree. With hard work, you can decorate your Christmas tree with ribbon, which turns out amazing.

8. Use the remaining ribbon to create the bow

The bow is the finishing touch to your Christmas tree. To make a bow, cut a ribbon about three feet long. Fold the ribbon in half, loop it around your fingers to create a loop, and tie the two ribbon tails together in a knot. Cut off any excess ribbon and fluff the bow to give it a full look. You can now use this bow to decorate the tree.

9. Add pinecones and lights

Pinecones and lights are the perfect finishing touches for your tree. Pinecones add a touch of nature, helping to give the tree a warm and inviting feel, while lights inspire a feeling of wonder and help to create a festive atmosphere. So, add these finishing touches to your tree for a truly magical experience.

10. Attach berries and ornaments

Berries will help to give the tree a more rustic look, while ornaments will add a touch of luxury. So, choose whichever finishing touches you prefer to create the perfect tree for your home. This way, you can have a unique and stylish tree that is perfect for your holiday decor.

11. Step aside and observe the tree regularly

Artists admire their creations from a distance before making final adjustments, and the same goes for Christmas tree decorators. Once you’ve added all the finishing touches to your tree, step back and look at it from different angles to see if any areas need to be adjusted.

You can squint your eyes to get a better look at the tree and to see if any areas need more attention. You may also want to take a picture of the tree from different angles to understand how it looks. Locating the empty areas to fill will help you create a more balanced and beautiful tree.


You can easily put a ribbon on a Christmas tree with patience and creativity. By following these simple tips, you can create a beautiful and stylish tree that will make your friends and family envious. So, get out your ribbon and get started today! And if you need more ideas on the Christmas gifts to give your loved ones, check out our curated collection at Callie’s.

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